If one wants to be really successful in life one has to set certain goals or targets. Because goals give a proper direction to reach success in one’s life. Following are 10 goals that you can focus on this new year to achieve a  successful career.

10 Achievable New year Goals
10 Achievable New year Goals

1. Stick to your commitments

it’s easy to be super enthusiastic about clubs and organizations at the start of the semester, only to have your attendance at meetings trickle off as the months wear on and your workload gets heavier. Try to be more consistent in your attendance and your commitment to those organizations to which you really want to give your time. That means being realistic and honest with yourself

2. Reach out to family more

It’s very easy to go days without texting your dad or calling your aunt, especially if you go to school /college far from home. This year, work on checking in on your immediate family and relatives more. They will love hearing from you, and it feels good to talk to familiar people, especially when the semester starts to get hard or that group project gets extra frustrating

3. Figure out how you spend your money

It’s never too early to start managing your finances and making a budget. Of course, as a college student, chances are you aren’t rolling in dough, but keeping track of what you’re spending your money on and how much (if anything) you’re saving is always a good thing. Your 25-year-old self will thank you when it’s a habit! Plus, when you find out you’re spending Rs 5000 a month you might just invest in your own latte maker and cut that cost in half.

4. Protect yourself from burnout

it’s easy to burn out when you are very motivated. Observe yourself to recognize any signs of tiredness and take time to rest. Your body and mind rest when you schedule relaxation and fun time into your weekly calendar. Do diverse tasks, keep switching between something creative and logical, something physical and still, working alone and as a team. Switch locations. Meditate, or just take deep breaths, close your eyes, or focus on one thing for five minutes.

5. Write down your goals and visualize them so they stay top of mind

It sounds so simple, but writing out your goals and looking at them frequently can help keep you focused on what you want to accomplish Some people make “vision boards” displaying images to help visualize their goals. Post your goals somewhere you will see on a routine basis – on your mirror, refrigerator, dashboard, desk, etc.

6. Get rid of distractions.

Meaningless things and distractions will always be in your way, especially those easy, usual things you would rather do instead of focusing on new challenging, and meaningful projects. Learn to focus on what is the most important. Write a list of time-wasters and hold yourself accountable for not doing them.

7. Reflect and reevaluate (every month)

Many people set goals in January and totally forget about them in February. Put a monthly reminder on your phone/calendar to review your goals regularly to see if you are progressing. Take this time to revamp your goals to set yourself up for success going into the rest of the year

8. Find out  potential obstacles and challenges so you can plan ways to overcome

In addition to writing down the goals you want to accomplish, it’s important to write out the particular challenges you might face in working towards your goals.If you anticipate the obstacles that might keep you from accomplishing your goals, then you can come up with backup plans and strategies to overcome them

9. Get rid of stagnating thoughts.

Thoughts influence feelings and feelings determine how you view your work. You have a lot of thoughts in your head, and you always have a choice of which ones to focus on: the ones that will make you emotionally stuck (fears, doubts) or the ones that will move you forward (excitement, experimenting, trying new things

10. Seek knowledge, not results.

If you focus on the excitement of discovery, improving, exploring, and experimenting, your motivation will always be fueled. If you focus only on results, your motivation will be like the weather—it will die the minute you hit a storm. So the key is to focus on the journey, not the destination. Keep thinking about what you are learning along the way and what you can improve.


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