A Stress-Free Life for a Happy Life

Today’s life cycle has a lot of twists & turns it is very difficult for a person to live life without any commitment, deadlines, or work pressure as a result of this we all undergo “STRESS” which is a mental state where we lose our mental peace which adversely affects our life and results in unnecessary pressure on our personal and professional life. Now, this is the question that is really too necessary to undergo in such a situation that causes stress.

“Remember, most of your stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is. Adjust your attitude, and all that extra stress is gone.


Stress Free


1. Manage  your Time  Zone

We get 80 % of stress when we are unable to do a specific task within the time limit try to allocate an appropriate time for each and every task you are trying to do. Deciding on a time schedule will help a lot in doing all the activities on time. Don’t try to rush all the tasks in a single day decide on priorities and work accordingly.

2. Accept and Overcome Fear

Fear is a natural tendency so if you feel you have fear of a particular thing try to accept the fear. After accepting the fear you need to put effort to overcome the same because if you live with the fear you will never be living a happy life.

3. Stay clam

Let any situation comes in front of you always try to be calm because calmness will definitely give you the strength to solve all the problems with peace of mind and reach to the solution the fastest.

4. Do Meditation

Meditation will not only control your mind but it relaxes your whole body. Every day gives yourself at least 10-15 minutes time for meditation & this will surely keep you fresh for the whole day.

5. Don’t focus on others’ problem

 Focusing and taking on others’ problems is a huge threat to our mental peace when we start considering others’ problems more after a particular time we start feeling that the problem are ours not others and start getting stressed so avoid these things to a great extent.

6. Be communicative

Communication with others is a major stress reliever. When we share our thoughts and feelings with our trusted ones we feel relaxed so as much as possible try to make friends and try to communicate with them.

Following is a video lecture on A Stress-Free Life for a Happy Life

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