Basics Of Human Skill.Skill is an important parameter of human as it gives a unique identity to the employees to be successful in the competitive era.
Erikson’s Eight Life Stages
Erikson's Eight Life Stages
According to Erikson, every person passes through different stages of life according to which his personality is been developed both positively...
SWOT Analysis an Arch for Success
SWOT Analysis an Arch for Success.
It is truly said that SWOT Analysis is an Arch to Success. To become successful in personal as well...
Time Management and Tips for Success
Time Management and its Tips for Success
Poor time management results in work overload skipped schedules and a person is subjected to stress. So it...
Tips and Elements for Goal Setting
Tips and Elements for Goal Setting
Goal Setting is a target & objective for future performance. It helps to focus the attention of employees in...
A Rise After Fall
A Rise After Fall
From the day we are born one day will definitely come in life when we will be facing a fall phase....
Equilibrium Between Professional & Personal Life
Equilibrium Between Professional & Personal Life.
Managing Professional & Personal Life is a very challenging task. If we focus on today's life cycle everyone is...
A Need for Self Improvement
A Need for Self Improvement
Self-improvement is also an important aspect in accordance with the way we behave, talk, deal with others, etc. As...
Introduction To Human Skill
Introduction To Human Skill
It refers to the ability of a human to judge & work with understanding & motivate others which mean the person...
Being Human in Digital World
Being Human in the Digital World
When we were in childhood age our world was very limited there was not too much interference from any...
Happiness = Reality – Expectations
Happiness = Reality - Expectations
High expectations are a major key to where unhappiness begins According to the formula (Happiness = Reality – Expectations),...