Home Production Management

Production Management

Production activity is the core aspect of the organisation. It’s the product who gives a good will to the organization.All companies strive hard to build their company brand by production activities for customer satisfaction

Factors Determining Production Planning and Control

Production Planning and Control

Production Planning and Control (P.P.C) It involves the organization of the total manufacturing system to produce a product. The objective of production planning is to...
ole of Plant Maintenance in production Management.

Role of Plant Maintenance in production Management

Role of Plant Maintenance in Production Management. Plant maintenance is defined as a set of activities that are necessary to keep machinery, parts & types...
Factors Affecting Plant Layout

Plant Layout and its Affecting Factors

  Plant Layout and its affecting factors. When a new plant is built the main question raises about where to place different types of machinery at...
Quality Circle

Role of Quality Control in Production Management

Role of Quality Control in Production Management Quality control is a process through which a business seeks to ensure that product quality is maintained or...
phases of project

Project Management and its phases in production

Project Management and its phases in the production Project management is a very crucial task for an organization. A project is outlined with its starting...
Scope of Production Management

Scope of Production Management.

Scope of Production Management. Production Management is a vast concept it involves a huge chain. Production starts with input and ends with output i.e finished...
Objectives of Production Management

Objectives of Production Management

Objectives of Production Management Objectives are the foundation of production management without which the production cannot get completed. Production management deals with decision-making related to...

Classification of Production system

 Classification Of Production system 1. Job-Shop Production It is featured by manufacturing one or more quantities of products designed and produced as per the specification of...
Production System

Production System

Production System The production system is not a simple process. It involves many elements in it as follows   1.Inputs It includes various aspects of Men Machines Information...

Concept of Production Management and its functions

 The concept of Production Management and its functions Concept Of Production management refers to the application of management and principles to the production function in a factory....


Tips and Elements for Goal Setting

Tips and Elements for Goal Setting Goal  Setting is a target & objective for future performance. It helps to focus the attention of employees in...