Entrepreneur Development Programme

Entrepreneur Development Programme is a systematic activity that identifies, trains motivates & develops skillful entrepreneurs. Entrepreneur Development Programmes is the best tool to develop potential entrepreneurs & guides various aspects of technical, financial, marketing, managerial skill, and certification of modernization of plant. The entrepreneur plays a vital role in the development of the economy. Entrepreneur performs various functions right from concept utilization of idea to selling the final product. Throughout this process, he requires continuous guidance regarding various aspects of the business to guide & assist the potential or specifically new generation entrepreneurs. EDP programs are conducted

Entrepreneur Development Programme

                                           Objectives of EDP

The objectives of EDP can be broadly divided into micro & macro parts

Macro objectives

i)To promote the development of small & medium entrepreneurs that would encourage self-employment among potential entrepreneurs.

ii) To develop entrepreneur culture in the nonconventional group for eg- Women, lower group people, and backward classes.

iii)To accelerate the process of industrial & economic development by increasing the number of entrepreneurs to employment by assisting.

iv)To generate employment by assisting small-scale industry, micro, and medium industries.

v)To utilize untapped, or locally available productive resources like availability of raw material, labor, and infrastructure.

vi)To decentralize the economic power i.e to maintain stability by developing people from the low-income group.

vii)To increase national income to build a force of well-trained &  skillful entrepreneurs

vii) To generate huge employment by assisting labor-intensive small-scale units.

ix) At last to transfer the Indian economy to the industrial economy

Micro objectives of EDP

i) To maintain the participant to choose an entrepreneur carrier

ii) To guide them to scan business opportunities & select the product.

iii) To inform them about government Schemes, incentives, and various facilities & make them aware of various institutions supporting the entrepreneur.

iv)To guide them in a basic managerial skills like planning, organizing,       recruiting, record-keeping, etc

v)To educate them regarding the advantages & disadvantages of being an entrepreneur

vi)To help them in launching the enterprise.

For more notes about Types of EDP click here

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