Planning a Crucial Element in Organisation

As we know planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling are the core functions of management out of this above function in the organization. Planning is a crucial function irrespective of the size, products manufactured, and the number of staff in an organization.


 Every organization has a set of objectives these are achieved through the proper planning process.  There is a difference between plan & planning. The plan is a commitment to a particular course of action.

 For example- Plan may be

  1. To achieve 20% growth in the financial year 2017-18
  2. Launching a new trader environmentally friendly car up to 2020

This plan is just a promise to achieve an objective on the other hand planning is an activity that involves the determination of the future course of action. The process determines

  • Why is an action to be taken?
  • When to be taken
  • By whom to be taken
  • How to be taken

Thus all questions are related to different thus planning process that contributes to the success of the organizational objective.


“  Planning may be defined as relating to facts & making the assumption regarding the future in    the visualization & formalization of proposed activities believe necessary to achieve the  desired result”

“ Planning is anticipating action influencing  & controlling the nature & direction of change in the environment so as to achieve desired objectives.

Thus it involves collecting facts, analyzing the environment, and visualizing future changes by selecting appropriate alternative

Features of Planning


features of planning


 1. Planning is a continuous process

It determines the future course of action for eg. the Launching of the new handset in Nokia is a continuous process of technology, high-skill labor, R&D department supports finance. After making these efforts they are successful in launching a new model in the handset

2. It is basically concerned with looking into future

This requires forecasting the future situation & therefore forecasting of future should be correct.

3. Planning involves the selection of a suitable course of action

There are several alternatives to achieve objectives but out of these one has to select the best alternative to achieve objectives but of these one has to select the best alternative

4. Is undertaken at all levels of an organization.

The scope changes as per the labor. It takes place at various level

5. It is flexible in nature

As future conditions are changing so adjustment in planning is required for eg changes in technology, changes in rules & regulations of the government, changes in customer taste, competition, etc

To proceed further to an article about the importance of planning click here


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Founder & Author of MBA Tuts is Sneha S.Dumbali. Academically She has Qualified B.B.A & M.B.A with Specialization in Human Resource Management And Marketing. Formerly She has Worked as M.B.A department Incharge and Full-time lecturer for M.B.A and Guest lecturer for various courses like B.C.A, C.A, C.S, Soft Skill Development,
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