Production Planning and Control

Factors Determining Production Planning and ControlFactors Determining Production Planning and Control

Production Planning and Control (P.P.C)

It involves the organization of the total manufacturing system to produce a product. The objective of production planning is to provide a physical system together with a set of operating guidelines for the efficient conversion of raw material, human skill & other inputs into finished products.

Factors determining Production Planning & Control

Factors Determining Production Planning and ControlFactors Determining Production Planning and Control

1) Volume of production

The amount of production planning is determined by the volume of operation & nature of the manufacturing process It helps to reduce manufacturing costs.

2) Nature of Production Process

In the job shop production system production planning may be informal & the development of work methods is left to individual workmen who are highly skilled, In high-volume production many production designers, engineers & methods are involved.

3) Nature of Operation

Details production planning is required for repetitive operation for eg In case of a single standardized product the variants in the manufacturing approach are.

i) Manufacturing through order

ii) Manufacturing for stocks & Sale

4) Magnitude of operations

The size of operations& distance traveled by the parts from operation to operation is important in establishing proper PPC.

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MBA TUTS TEAM: Founder & Author of MBA Tuts is Sneha S.Dumbali. Academically She has Qualified B.B.A & M.B.A with Specialization in Human Resource Management And Marketing. Formerly She has Worked as M.B.A department Incharge and Full-time lecturer for M.B.A and Guest lecturer for various courses like B.C.A, C.A, C.S, Soft Skill Development,
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