Quality Circles Meaning & Objectives

Quality Circles is a small group of employees of the same work area, doing similar work that meets voluntarily and regularly to iden­tify, analyze, and resolve work-related problems. This small group with every member of the circle participating to the full carries on the activities, utilizing problem-solving techniques to achieve control or improvement in the work area and also help self and mutual development in the process.

Quality circles help to build mutual trust and create greater understanding between the manage­ment and the workers.  Quality Circles aims at building people, developing them, and arousing genuine interest and dedication to their work to improve quality, productivity, cost reduction, etc.

Image result for quality circle

Characteristics of Effective Quality Circles:

a. The atmosphere should be informal, comfortable, and relaxed.

b. Everyone needs to participate.

c. The objectives should be clear to the members.

d. The members should listen to each other.

e. The group should feel comfortable even when there are disagreements.

f. When an action is required to be taken, clear assignments should be made and ac­cepted

by all the members.

g. The leader should not dominate the group. The main idea should not be as to who

controls but how to get the job done.

Objectives of Quality Circles

(i) To improve quality, productivity, safety, and cost reduction.

(ii) It enhances employees’ use of their wisdom and creativity.

(iii) To encourage team spirit and cohesive culture among different levels and sections of

       the employees.

(iv) To enhance mutual self-development with leadership quality.

(v) To fulfill the self-esteem and motivational needs of employees.

(vi) It improves the quality of work-life of employees.


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