Tips for Enhancing Employee Productivity

Employee productivity is an assessment of the efficiency of a worker or group of workers. Productivity may be evaluated in terms of the output of an employee in a specific period of time. Typically, the productivity of a given worker will be assessed relative to an average for employees doing similar work.


Tips for Enhancing Employee Productivity


1. Giving  Feedback on a Regular Basis

It is hard to overestimate the importance of regular feedback (both positive and negative) in the life of any growing company. The key is to structure and organize your company in a way that all of your employees will be accountable and will have someone evaluating the job with the feedback.

2. Focusing on  Employees Rewards

Rewards and incentives drive employee efficiency. Multiple studies across different countries have demonstrated that by recognizing and rewarding well-performing employees business managers help them feel more appreciated.

  • Offer some additional paid sick leaves or extra vacation days.
  • Take them out to lunch or dinner – allow leaving the work earlier if needed.
  • Allow them to arrive late on Monday mornings.
  • Honor them publicly so that everybody would know about one’s accomplishments.
3. Team Building Activities

We live in a world where primary attention is focused on making sure the clients are happy. At the same time, business owners somewhat forget about their main asset like employees, especially when we are talking about efficiency.

4. Simplify Tasks

All employees have routine duties. While many workers don’t pay any attention to how much time they spend on these tasks, the truth of the matter is that they all add up. Some of these tasks are very repetitive and could be simplified either with the help of technology or process improvement. Spending a little bit of time considering which daily processes could be optimized may end up in saving a lot of opportunities for your workers.

5. Automate Time Tracking

If you are thinking about improving the efficiency of your employees but still have them using time cards or timesheets to log in their working hours then you are a thousand miles away from your goal. automated time tracking allows you to make the lives of HRs so much easier They won’t have to spend hours auditing your employee’s log entries and correcting faulty logs.

6. Optimize the Payroll Process

If you have never prepared payroll, then you don’t know how time-consuming as well as prone to errors this process can be. There are many things that need to be taken into consideration when doing it, including benefits, labor laws, compliance, taxes, etc.

7. Integrate Time & Payroll System

This is a step further in regard to technology use. Successful companies do integrate time and attendance systems with their payroll system in order to improve their efficiency. This fact alone should be enough to do the same. But even if you forget about what others do or don’t do, it would make sense to have reliable time-tracking software to be tied to an accurate payroll system.

8. Train Your Employees

Some managers believe that reducing training hours or even cutting them off is a good way to save both time and money for the company. The rationale behind such thinking is that it is best to learn on the fly. However, such an approach can do the opposite leading your employees to be inefficient at their workplaces. The overall efficiency of operations depends on how well your team members know what to do and how to do it.




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